
Belarusians helping Ukrainians - Voxeurop

Belarusians abroad have developed a whole network of aid to their fellow countrymen. All these initiatives and hundreds of Belarusians are now putting their experience to good use to help Ukraine. They are going off to fight as volunteers. They are going to the front as medics, they are spending days at the border as volunteers. They are collecting and distributing tons of humanitarian aid, they are finding places for refugees to live and teaching young Ukrainians.

Meanwhile the Lukashenka re...

Cancer at 28: How It Was

It would be amazing if, after reading this text, you, your family, friends, and acquaintances scheduled a thyroid ultrasound and a couple more crucial medical tests. To make my point, here’s a story about how I, a journalist from Minsk, Belarus accidentally discovered thyroid cancer at the age of 28 and what happened next.One lovely June evening in 2019. My boyfriend and I just sat to watch another episode of HBO’s Chornobyl. At the same time, my mind was flooded with sombre thoughts about the n...

“Like dancing on a minefield”: Belarus civil society destroyed by the authorities

By Maryia Sysoi for BBC News Russian.Women still call the former staff members of the refuge shelter ‘Radislava’. Victims of domestic violence, they ring in search of help, the organisation though is no longer operating.Across the country hundreds of hospitalised young orphaned children are no longer looked after by nannies; funding for the project dried up when the government closed the crowdfunding media platform ‘Imena’, its main source of income. Elsewhere the Office for the Rights of Person...

Do cel podrzucają bezdomnych z wszami. Tak traktują Białorusinów protestujących przeciwko wojnie

Natalia Dulina ma 57 lat. Była wykładowczynią języka włoskiego. Tylko Natalia była gotowa mówić pod nazwiskiem. W listopadzie 2020 r. po raz pierwszy została zatrzymana na 15 dni: stanęła wówczas w obronie swoich studentów podczas protestów powyborczych. Została zwolniona z pracy.

Drugie zatrzymanie miało miejsce 28 lutego 2022 roku. Natalia przyszła na wiec antywojenny i przeszkadzała policji w zatrzymaniu jednego chłopaka.

Mała kostka mydła i "kotki" w celi

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